In-service Field Interaction Innovation & Co-ordination


In -service programmes , Field Interaction and Innovation Coordination (IFIC )

Staffing pattern

  • Sr. Lecturer – 1
  • Lecturer – 1
  • Clerk – 1


  1. To assist educational authorities in planning and coordination of in-service education programmes for elementary teachers throughout the district, and to plan and co ordinate such programmes held in the DIET, Pursuant to this, the Branch would— (i) identify training needs of elementary teachers in the district, and prepare a perspective plan for meeting such needs, (ii) prepare: an annual calendar of all programmes to be held in the DIET, and (iii) help concerned authorities in preparing an annual calendar of in service programmes to be held outside the DIET.
  2. To serve as the nodal branch for organising— (i) all those in-service education programmes for teachers and Head masters, at the Institute, whose content does not relate exclusively or pre-dominantly to any one Branch i.e. programmes of a relatively general/omnibus nature (e.g. the ‘main’ programmes referred to in para 3.3.3) (ii) orientation programmes for resource persons who would conduct in-service programmes for teachers at other centres in the district (i.e. outside the DIET) (iii) in-service education programmes for teachers in the distance/distance-cum-contact-modes (A part from programmer that the DIET may organise in these modes, on its own, it may also serve as a district level study centre for such programmes which may be organised, say, at the state level. IFIC Branch will serve as the nodal Branch for this purpose as well)
  3. To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of in-service programmes held in and outside the DIET, and to strive for their continuous improvement
  4. To maintain a data-base on all persons, except NFE/AE personnel, who undergo training at the institute, and to organise follow-up, activities pursuant to such training, through correspondence, visits, transmission of printed material, etc.
  5. To serve as a reference and resource centres for teachers who wish to continue their education.
  6. To act as the nodal branch for all action research, and field interaction (including extension) activities of the Institute which would include, inter alia :— (i) Coordination of in-house action research activities and dissemination of its results (ii) Acting as a clearing house for information on results of all studies, research, innovation, etc. in the area of Elementary Education—wherever undertaken (iii) Publication of a periodic newsletter and an institute journal to be sent to every elementary school/NFE/AE centre in the district.